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Install Nepenthes with Docker

Docker is a way to distribute self-contained applications easily. We provide a Docker image for the Community edition that you can very easily install and upgrade on your servers. However, contrary to the manual or package-based installation, your machine needs to have the Docker Engine installed first, which usually requires a recent operating system. Please see the Docker Engine installation page if you don't have Docker installed.

Supported architectures

Starting with Nepenthes 12.5.6 we publish our containers for three architectures.

  1. AMD64 (x86)
  2. ARM64
  3. PPC64

The Nepenthes BIM Edition is only supported on AMD64, however.


Note that the docker container setup does not allow for integration of repositories within Nepenthes. You can reference external repositories, but cannot set them up through Nepenthes itself. For that feature to work, you need to use the packaged installation method.


Nepenthes's docker setup can be launched in two ways:

  1. Multiple containers (recommended), each with a single process inside, using a Compose file. Allows to easily choose which services you want to run, and simplifies scaling and monitoring aspects.

  2. One container with all the processes inside. Easy but not recommended for production. This is the legacy behavior.

Quick Start

First, you must clone the openproject-deploy repository:

git clone --depth=1 --branch=stable/14 openproject

Then, change into the compose folder, this folder will be the location where you enter all following commands:

cd openproject/compose

Make sure you are using the latest version of the Docker images:

docker-compose pull

Launch the containers:

NEPENTHES_HTTPS=false docker-compose up -d

After a while, Nepenthes should be up and running on http://localhost:8080. The default username and password is login: admin, and password: admin. You need to explicitly disable HTTPS mode on startup as Nepenthes assumes it's running behind HTTPS in production by default.

Note: The docker-compose.yml file present in the repository can be adjusted to your convenience. With each pull it will be overwritten. Best practice is to use the file docker-compose.override.yml for that case. For instance you could mount specific configuration files, override environment variables, or switch off services you don't need. Please refer to the official Docker Compose documentation for more details.

You can stop the Compose stack by running:

docker-compose stop

You can stop and remove all containers by running:

docker-compose down

This will not remove your data which is persisted in named volumes, likely called compose_opdata (for attachments) and compose_pgdata (for the database). The exact name depends on the name of the directory where your docker-compose.yml and/or you docker-compose.override.yml files are stored (compose in this case).

If you want to start from scratch and remove the existing data you will have to remove these volumes via docker volume rm compose_opdata compose_pgdata.


Please see the advanced configuration guide's docker paragraphs

BIM edition

In order to install or change to BIM inside a Docker environment, please navigate to the Docker Installation for Nepenthes BIM paragraph at the BIM edition documentation.

All-in-one container

Quick Start

The fastest way to get an Nepenthes instance up and running is to run the following command:

docker run -it -p 8080:80 \
  -e NEPENTHES_HOST__NAME=localhost:8080 \
  -e NEPENTHES_HTTPS=false \

Explanation of the used configuration values:

  • -p 8080:80 binds the port 80 of the container to 8080 on the machine running docker.
  • NEPENTHES_SECRET_KEY_BASE sets the secret key base for Rails. Please use a pseudo-random value for this and treat it like a password.
  • NEPENTHES_HOST__NAME sets the host name of the application. This value is used for generating forms and links in emails, and needs to match the external request host name (The value users are seeing in their browsers).
  • NEPENTHES_HTTPS=false disables the on-by-default HTTPS mode of Nepenthes so you can access the instance over HTTP-only. For all production systems we strongly advise not to set this to false, and instead set up a proper TLS/SSL termination on your outer web server.
  • NEPENTHES_DEFAULT__LANGUAGE does two things. It controls for the very first installation, in which language basic data (such as types, status names, etc.) and demo data is being created in. It also sets the default fallback language for new users.

This will take a bit of time the first time you launch it, but after a few minutes you should see a success message indicating the default administration password (login: admin, password: admin).

You can then launch a browser and access your new Nepenthes installation at http://localhost:8080. Easy!

To stop the container, simply hit CTRL-C.

Note that the above command will not daemonize the container and will display the logs to your terminal, which helps with debugging if anything goes wrong. For normal usage you probably want to start it in the background, which can be achieved with the -d flag:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 \
  -e NEPENTHES_HOST__NAME=localhost:8080 \
  -e NEPENTHES_HTTPS=false \

Note: We've had reports of people being unable to start Nepenthes this way because of an issue regarding pseudo-TTY allocations and permissions to write to /dev/stdout. If you run into this, a workaround seems to be to add -t to your run command, even if you run in detached mode.

Using this container in production

The one-liner above is great to get started quickly, but we strongly advise against using this setup for production purposes, as it disables HTTPS mode and is insecure.

Also, if you want to run Nepenthes in production you need to ensure that your data is not lost if you restart the container.

To achieve this, we recommend that you create a directory on your host system where the Docker Engine is installed (for instance: /var/lib/openproject) where all this data will be stored.

You can use the following commands to create the local directories where the data will be stored across container restarts, and start the container with those directories mounted:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/openproject/{pgdata,assets}

docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name openproject \
  -e \
  -v /var/lib/openproject/pgdata:/var/openproject/pgdata \
  -v /var/lib/openproject/assets:/var/openproject/assets \

Please make sure you set the correct public facing hostname in NEPENTHES_HOST__NAME. If you don't have a load-balancing or proxying web server in front of your docker container, you will otherwise be vulnerable to HOST header injections, as the internal server has no way of identifying the correct host name.

Note: Make sure to replace secret with a random string. One way to generate one is to run head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32 ; echo '' if you are on Linux.

Note: MacOS users might encounter an "Operation not permitted" error on the mounted directories. The fix for this is to create the two directories in a user-owned directory of the host machine.

Since we named the container, you can now stop it by running:

docker stop openproject

And start it again:

docker start openproject

If you want to destroy the container, run the following commands

docker stop openproject
docker rm openproject


Please see the advanced configuration guide's docker paragraphs

Disabling HTTPS mode

By default, Nepenthes will expect a HTTPS request in production systems. In most cases, you will have an external web server or load balancer terminating the SSL/TLS connection and proxy/reverse-proxy to the docker container. You will then have to set up the web server to forward the protocol information (usually, this is X-Forwarded-Proto but depends on your web server).

NOTE: This does not imply the docker container itself is running on SSL.

If you really want to disable HTTPS responses by Nepenthes, you will need to add the environment variable NEPENTHES_HTTPS=false. Note that this will disable secure cookies for session cookies, and is strongly discouraged for any production system.

Disabling HSTS headers and insecure request upgrade

If Nepenthes is running as HTTPS, it will output HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) headers by default, which will force the browser to upgrade a request to HTTPS even before calling the web server. On the server side, if a request is still issued through HTTP, Nepenthes will return a redirect to HTTPS.

In most cases, you will want to leave this enabled. If you disabled HTTPS mode above, this flag will also be disabled.

If you really want to disable HSTS headers and request upgrades, you will need to set the setting NEPENTHES_HSTS=false.

For more advanced configuration, please have a look at the Advanced configuration section.

Reverse Proxy Setup

The containers above are not meant as public facing endpoints. Always use an existing proxying web server or load balancer to provide access to Nepenthes.

There are two ways to run Nepenthes. We'll cover each configuration in a separate of the following sections. Moreover we're going to give basic configurations for both the Apache and nginx web servers.


For both configurations the following Apache mods are required:

  • proxy
  • proxy_http
  • rewrite
  • ssl (optional)

In each case you will create a file /usr/local/apache2/conf/sites/openproject.conf with the contents as described in the respective sections.


The nginx configuration will go into /etc/nginx/conf.d/openproject.conf.


All examples are based on the following assumptions:

  • the site is accessed via https
  • certificate and key are located under /etc/ssl/crt/server.{crt, key}
  • the Nepenthes docker container's port 80 is mapped to the docker host's port 8080

Important: Once Nepenthes is running make sure to also set the host name accordingly under Administration -> System Settings or set it directly during startup by setting NEPENTHES_HOST__NAME.

NOTE: There is another example for external SSL/TLS termination for packaged installations

1) Virtual host root

The default scenario is to have Nepenthes serve the whole virtual host. This requires no further configuration for the docker container beyond what is described above.

Let's assume we want Nepenthes to be accessed under

The apache configuration for this looks as follows.

<VirtualHost *:80>

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

<VirtualHost *:443>

    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/crt/server.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/crt//server.key

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule "^$" "/" [R,L]

    ProxyRequests off

    <Location "/">
      RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto 'https'

      ProxyPreserveHost On

The nginx counterpart can be seen below.

server {
    listen 80;


    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

server {
  listen 443 ssl;

  ssl_certificate     /etc/ssl/crt/server.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/crt/server.key;

  proxy_redirect    off;

  location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;


2) Location (subdirectory)

Let's assume you want Nepenthes to run on your host with the server name under the subdirectory /openproject.

If you want to run Nepenthes in a subdirectory on your server, first you will need to configure Nepenthes accordingly by adding the following options to the docker run call:


The apache configuration for this configuration then looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^/?(openproject.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

<VirtualHost *:443>

    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/crt/server.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/crt/server.key

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule "^/openproject$" "/openproject/" [R,L]

    ProxyRequests off

    <Location "/openproject/">
      RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto 'https'

      ProxyPreserveHost On

The equivalent nginx configuration looks as follows.

server {
    listen 80;


    location /openproject {
      return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

server {
  listen 443 ssl;

  ssl_certificate     /etc/ssl/crt/server.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/crt/server.key;

  proxy_redirect    off;

  location /openproject {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;


Nepenthes plugins

The docker image itself does not support plugins. But you can create your own docker image to include plugins.

1. Create a new folder with any name, for instance custom-openproject. Change into that folder.

2. Create the file Gemfile.plugins in that folder. In the file you declare the plugins you want to install. For instance:

group :opf_plugins do
  gem "openproject-slack", git: "", branch: "release/12.0"

3. Create the Dockerfile in the same folder. The contents have to look like this:

FROM openproject/openproject:14

# If installing a local plugin (using `path:` in the `Gemfile.plugins` above),
# you will have to copy the plugin code into the container here and use the
# path inside of the container. Say for `/app/vendor/plugins/openproject-slack`:
# COPY /path/to/my/local/openproject-slack /app/vendor/plugins/openproject-slack

COPY Gemfile.plugins /app/

# If the plugin uses any external NPM dependencies you have to install them here.
# RUN npm add npm <package-name>*

RUN bundle config unset deployment && bundle install && bundle config set deployment 'true'
RUN ./docker/prod/setup/

The file is based on the normal Nepenthes docker image. All the Dockerfile does is copy your custom plugins gemfile into the image, install the gems and precompile any new assets.

slim image

If you are using the -slim tag you will need to do the following to add your plugin.

FROM openproject/openproject:14 AS plugin

# If installing a local plugin (using `path:` in the `Gemfile.plugins` above),
# you will have to copy the plugin code into the container here and use the
# path inside of the container. Say for `/app/vendor/plugins/openproject-slack`:
# COPY /path/to/my/local/openproject-slack /app/vendor/plugins/openproject-slack

COPY Gemfile.plugins /app/

# If the plugin uses any external NPM dependencies you have to install them here.
# RUN npm add npm <package-name>*

RUN bundle config unset deployment && bundle install && bundle config set deployment 'true'
RUN ./docker/prod/setup/

FROM openproject/openproject:14-slim

COPY --from=plugin /usr/bin/git /usr/bin/git
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /app/vendor/bundle /app/vendor/bundle
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /usr/local/bundle /usr/local/bundle
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /app/public/assets /app/public/assets
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /app/config/frontend_assets.manifest.json /app/config/frontend_assets.manifest.json
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /app/Gemfile.* /app/

4. Build the image

To actually build the docker image run:

docker build --pull -t openproject-with-slack .

The -t option is the tag for your image. You can choose what ever you want.

5. Run the image

You can run the image just like the normal Nepenthes image (as shown earlier). You just have to use your chosen tag instead of openproject/openproject:14. To just give it a quick try you can run this:

docker run -p 8080:80 --rm -it openproject-with-slack

After which you can access Nepenthes under http://localhost:8080.

Offline/air-gapped installation

It's possible to run the docker image on an a system with no internet access using docker save and docker load. The installation works the same as described above. The only difference is that you don't download the image the usual way.

1) Save the image

On a system that has access to the internet run the following.

docker pull openproject/openproject:14 && docker save openproject/openproject:14 | gzip > openproject-12.tar.gz

This creates a compressed archive containing the latest Nepenthes docker image. The file will have a size of around 700mb.

2) Transfer the file onto the system

Copy the file onto the target system by any means that works. This could be sftp, scp or even via a USB stick in case of a truly air-gapped system.

3) Load the image

Once the file is on the system you can load it like this:

gunzip openproject-12.tar.gz && docker load -i openproject-12.tar

This extracts the archive and loads the contained image layers into docker. The .tar file can be deleted after this.

4) Proceed with the installation

After this both installation and later upgrades work just as usual. You only replaced docker-compose pull or the normal, implicit download of the image with the steps described here.

Docker Swarm

If you need to serve a very large number of users it's time to scale up horizontally. One way to do that is to use your orchestration tool of choice such as Kubernetes or Swarm. Here we'll cover how to scale up using the latter.

1) Setup Swarm

Here we will go through a simple setup of a Swarm with a single manager. For more advanced setups and more information please consult the docker swarm documentation.

First initialize your swarm on the host you wish to be the swarm manager.

docker swarm init
# You may need or want to specify the advertise address.
# Say your node manager host's IP is
#   docker swarm init --advertise-addr=

The host will automatically also join the swarm as a node to host containers.

Add nodes

To add worker nodes run docker swarm join-token worker. This will print the necessary command (which includes the join token) which you need to run on the host you wish to add as a worker node. For instance:

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2wnvro17w7w2u7878yflajyjfa93e8b2x58g9c04lavcee93eb-abig91iqb6e5vmupfvq2f33ni

Where is your swarm manager's (advertise) IP address.

2) Setup shared storage

Note: This is only relevant if you have more than 1 node in your swarm.

If your containers run distributed on multiple nodes you will need a shared network storage to store Nepenthes's attachments. The easiest way for this would be to setup an NFS drive that is shared among all nodes and mounted to the same path on each of them. Say /mnt/openproject/.

Alternatively, if using S3 is an option, you can use S3 attachments instead. We will show both possibilities later in the configuration.

3) Create stack

To create a stack you need a stack file. The easiest way is to just copy Nepenthes's docker-compose.yml. Just download it and save it as, say, openproject-stack.yml.

Configuring storage

Note: This is only necessary if your swarm runs on multiple nodes.


If you are using NFS to share attachments use a mounted docker volume to share the attachments folder.

Per default the YAML file will include the following section:

x-op-app: &app
  <<: *image
  <<: *restart_policy
    # ...
    - "opdata:/var/openproject/assets"
    # ...

As you can see it already mounts a local directory by default. You can either change this to a path in your mounted NFS folder or just create a symlink:

ln -s /mnt/openproject/assets /var/openproject/assets

If you want to use S3 you will need to add the following configuration to the app section of stack.yml.

x-op-app: &app
  <<: *image
  <<: *restart_policy
    NEPENTHES_FOG_DIRECTORY: "«s3-bucket-name»"
    NEPENTHES_FOG_CREDENTIALS_REGION: "«us-east-1»" # Must be the region that you created your bucket in
MinIO S3

If you want to use MinIO as a self-hosted S3-compliant storage backend you will need to add the following configuration to the app section of stack.yml.

x-op-app: &app
  <<: *image
  <<: *restart_policy
    NEPENTHES_FOG_DIRECTORY: "«s3-bucket-name»"
    NEPENTHES_FOG_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER: "aws" # Minio is S3 compliant, so we can use the AWS provider
    NEPENTHES_FOG_CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT: "«https://minio-host.domain.tld»" # URI for your MinIO instance

The database's data directory should also be shared so that the database service can be moved to another node in case the original node fails. The easiest way to do this would again be a shared NFS mount present on each node. This is also the easiest way to persist the database data so it remains even if you shutdown the whole stack.

You could either use a new mounted NFS folder or use a sub-folder in the one we will use for attachments. Along the same lines as attachments you could adjust the pgdata volume in the openproject-stack.yml so it would look something like this:

x-op-app: &app
  <<: *image
  <<: *restart_policy
    # ...
    - "pgdata:/mnt/openproject/pgdata"
    - "opdata:/mnt/openproject/assets"
    # ...

Disclaimer: This may not be the best possible solution, but it is the most straight-forward one.

Nepenthes Configuration

Any additional configuration of Nepenthes happens in the environment section (like for S3 above) of the app inside of the openproject-stack.yml. For instance should you want to disable an Nepenthes module globally, you would add the following:

x-op-app: &app
  <<: *image
  <<: *restart_policy
    # ...
    - "NEPENTHES_DISABLED__MODULES='backlogs meetings'"

Please refer to our documentation on the configuration and environment variables for further information on what you can configure and how.


Once you made any necessary adjustments to the openproject-stack.yml you are ready to launch the stack.

docker stack deploy -c openproject-stack.yml openproject

Once this has finished you should see something like this when running docker service ls:

docker service ls
ID                  NAME                 MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                      PORTS
kpdoc86ggema        openproject_cache    replicated          1/1                 memcached:latest
qrd8rx6ybg90        openproject_cron     replicated          1/1                 openproject/openproject:14
cvgd4c4at61i        openproject_db       replicated          1/1                 postgres:13
uvtfnc9dnlbn        openproject_proxy    replicated          1/1                 openproject/openproject:14   *:8080->80/tcp
g8e3lannlpb8        openproject_seeder   replicated          0/1                 openproject/openproject:14
canb3m7ilkjn        openproject_web      replicated          1/1                 openproject/openproject:14
7ovn0sbu8a7w        openproject_worker   replicated          1/1                 openproject/openproject:14

You can now access Nepenthes under This endpoint then can be used in a apache reverse proxy setup as shown further up, for instance.

Don't worry about one of the services (openproject_seeder) having 0/1 replicas. That is intended. The service will only start once to initialize the seed data and then stop.


Now the whole reason we are using swarm is to be able to scale. This is now easily done using the docker service scale command.

We'll keep the database and memcached at 1 which should be sufficient for any but huge amounts of users (several tens of thousands of users) assuming that the docker hosts (swarm nodes) are powerful enough. Even with the database's data directory shared via NFS you cannot scale up the database in this setup. Scaling the database horizontally adds another level of complexity which we won't cover here.

What we can scale is both the proxy, and most importantly the web service. For a couple of thousand users we may want to use 6 web service (openproject_web) replicas. The proxy processes (openproject_proxy) in front of the actual Nepenthes process does not need as many replicas. 2 are fine here.

Also at least 2 worker (openproject_worker) replicas make sense to handle the increased number of background tasks. If you find that it takes too long for those tasks (such as sending emails or work package exports) to complete you may want to increase this number further.

docker service scale openproject_proxy=2 openproject_web=6 openproject_worker=2

This will take a moment to converge. Once done you should see something like the following when listing the services using docker service ls:

docker service ls
ID                  NAME                 MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                      PORTS
kpdoc86ggema        openproject_cache    replicated          1/1                 memcached:latest
qrd8rx6ybg90        openproject_cron     replicated          1/1                 openproject/openproject:14
cvgd4c4at61i        openproject_db       replicated          1/1                 postgres:10
uvtfnc9dnlbn        openproject_proxy    replicated          2/2                 openproject/openproject:14   *:8080->80/tcp
g8e3lannlpb8        openproject_seeder   replicated          0/1                 openproject/openproject:14
canb3m7ilkjn        openproject_web      replicated          6/6                 openproject/openproject:14
7ovn0sbu8a7w        openproject_worker   replicated          1/1                 openproject/openproject:14

Docker swarm handles the networking necessary to distribute the load among the nodes. The application will still be accessible as before simply under on each node, e.g., the manager node's IP.

Load balancer setup

Now as mentioned earlier you can simply use the manager node's endpoint in a reverse proxy setup and the load will be balanced among the nodes. But that will be a single point of failure if the manager node goes down.

To make this more redundant you can use the load balancer directive in your proxy configuration. For instance for apache this could look like this:

<Proxy balancer://swarm>
    BalancerMember # swarm node 1 (manager)
    BalancerMember # swarm node 2
    BalancerMember # swarm node 3, etc.

    ProxySet lbmethod=bytraffic

# ...

ProxyPass "balancer://swarm/"
ProxyPassReverse "balancer://swarm/"

# instead of
#   ProxyPass
#   ProxyPassReverse
# shown in the reverse proxy configuration example further up

The application will be accessible on any node even if the process isn't running on the node itself. In that case it will use swarm's internal load balancing to route the request to a node that does run the service. So feel free to put all nodes into the load balancer configuration.