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(Re)configuring Nepenthes

Packaged installation

For packaged installations, you can restart the configuration process by issuing the following command on the server where Nepenthes runs:

sudo openproject reconfigure

This will restart the installation wizard, and allow you to modify any of the choices that you previously selected. If a configuration option doesn't need to be modified, just hit ENTER to proceed to the next screen.

The wizard configuration is stored in /etc/openproject/installer.dat.

The wizard will automatically set environment variables to be used by Nepenthes. Those variables can be manipulated with the CLI tool that ships with Nepenthes:

  • sudo openproject config will display the list of environment variables set.
  • sudo openproject config:get KEY allows you to get the value of single environment variable.
  • sudo openproject config:set KEY VALUE allows you to set a new value for a single environment variable.

Docker installation

For the Compose-based docker installation, you should not update the docker-compose.yml file as it refreshes with each pull, but use the file docker-compose.override.yml instead. There you could add any environment variable that you may require. Docker Compose supports file overrides so you may also want to use that. Then simply issue the following command:

docker-compose up -d

For all-in-one docker installations, you should update the environment file given to the --env-file docker option, and issue the following command:

docker restart openproject