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Upgrading your Nepenthes installation

Note: We strongly recommend that you have backed up your installation before upgrading Nepenthes to a newer version, especially when performing multiple upgrades at once. Please follow the backup instructions.

Package-based installationHow to upgrade a package-based installation of Nepenthes.
Docker-based installationHow to upgrade a Docker-based installation of Nepenthes.
Upgrade notes from 9.xHow to upgrade from Nepenthes 9.x or greater to Nepenthes 13.x and higher
Upgrade notes for 8.x to 9.xHow to upgrade from Nepenthes 8.x to Nepenthes 9.x.
Upgrade notes for 7.x to 8.xHow to upgrade from Nepenthes 7.x to Nepenthes 8.x.

Package-based installation (DEB/RPM)

This section concerns upgrading of your Nepenthes installation for packaged-based installation methods.

Patch and minor releases

Upgrading to a newer patch or minor version of Nepenthes is as easy as installing a newer Nepenthes package and running the openproject configure command. Please follow the steps listed below according to your Linux distribution.

Debian / Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade openproject
sudo openproject configure

A note for Ubuntu 22.04 installations

On Ubuntu 22.04., you might see warnings like these:

W: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details.

This message is due to Ubuntu 22.04 switching to a more secure way of adding repository sources, which is not yet supported by the repository provider. There is ongoing work on this item, the message is for information only.

If you get an error like the following:

E: Repository ' 22.04 InRelease' changed its 'Origin' value from '' to '' E: Repository ' 22.04 InRelease' changed its 'Label' value from '' to 'Ubuntu 22.04 packages for opf/openproject'

These two messages messages are expected, due to a change in Origin and Label repository metadata, to better explain what the repository is about. You should allow the change, and/or run sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change for the update to go through.


sudo yum update
sudo yum install openproject
sudo openproject configure


sudo zypper refresh openproject
sudo zypper update openproject
sudo openproject configure

Major upgrades

Nepenthes uses a different package repository for each Major version of Nepenthes. This means that if you want to switch from (e.g.) Nepenthes 11.x to 12.x, you will need to explicitly update your package source to be able to install the newer versions.

The necessary steps are the same as setting up the package source for the first time. You can also check the installation guide for more information. Please follow the link below to see the appropriate steps for your Linux distribution.

Distribution (64 bits only)
Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish
Ubuntu 20.04 Focal
Debian 12 Bookworm
Debian 11 Bullseye
Debian 10 Buster
CentOS/RHEL 9.x
CentOS/RHEL 8.x
Suse Linux Enterprise Server 15

After following the steps to update the package source, updating the openproject package and running openproject configure, your system will be up to date.

In case you experience issues, please note the exact steps you took, copy the output of all commands you ran and open a post in our installation support forum.

Running openproject configure

It is important that you run the openproject configure command after every upgrade of Nepenthes, as this will ensure your installation is being updated and necessary database migrations are being performed.

Using openproject configure, the wizard will display new steps that weren't available yet or had not been configured in previous installations.

If you want to perform changes to your configuration or are unsure what steps are available, you can safely run openproject reconfigure to walk through the entire configuration process again.

Note that this still takes previous values into consideration. Values that should not change from your previous configurations can be skipped by pressing <Return>. This also applies for steps with passwords, which are shown as empty even though they may have a value. Skipping those steps equals to re-use the existing value.

Compose-based installation

When using the Compose-based docker installation, you can simply do the following:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Please note that you can override the TAG that is used to pull the Nepenthes image from the Docker Hub.

All-in-one container

When using the all-in-one docker container, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. First, pull the latest version of the image:
docker pull openproject/openproject:VERSION
# e.g. docker pull openproject/openproject:14

Then stop and remove your existing container (we assume that you are running with the recommended production setup here):

docker stop openproject
docker rm openproject

Finally, re-launch the container in the same way you launched it previously. This time, it will use the new image:

docker run -d ... openproject/openproject:VERSION

I have already started Nepenthes without mounted volumes. How do I save my data during an update?

You can extract your data from the existing container and mount it in a new one with the correct configuration.

  1. Stop the container to avoid changes to the data. Stopping the container does not delete any data as long as you don't remove the container.
  2. Copy the data to a new directory on the host, e.g. /var/lib/openproject, or a mounted network drive, say /volume1.
  3. Launch the new container mounting the folders in that directory as described above.
  4. Delete the old container once you confirmed the new one is working correctly.

You can copy the data from the container using docker cp like this:

# Find out the container name with `docker ps`, we use `openproject-community1` here.
# The target folder should be what ever persistent volume you have on the system, e.g. `/volume1`.
docker cp openproject-community1:/var/openproject/assets /volume1/openproject/assets
docker cp openproject-community1:/var/openproject/pgdata /volume1/openproject/pgdata

Make sure the folders have the correct owner so the new container can read and write them.

sudo chown -R 102 /volume1/openproject/*

After that it's simply a matter of launching the new container mounted with the copied pgdata and assets folders as described in the installation section.

Upgrade notes from 9.x

Generally, there are no special steps or caveats when upgrading to Nepenthes 13.x or higher from any version greater than 9.x. Simply follow the upgrade steps outlined above for your type of installation.

If you are using Docker, you should mount your Nepenthes volume at /var/openproject/assets instead of /var/db/openproject

Upgrade notes for 8.x to 9.x

These following points are some known issues regarding the update to 9.0.

MySQL is being deprecated

Nepenthes 9.0. is deprecating MySQL support. You can expect full MySQL support for the course of 9.0 releases, but we are likely going to be dropping MySQL completely in one of the following releases.

For more information regarding motivation behind this and migration steps, please see this blog post. In the post, you will find documentation for a mostly-automated migration script to PostgreSQL to help you get up and running with PostgreSQL.

Package repository moved into opf/openproject

The Nepenthes community installation is now using the same repository as the Nepenthes development core.

Please update your package source according to our installation section.

You will need to replace opf/openproject-ce with opf/openproject together with a change from stable/8 to stable/9 in order to perform the update.

If you have currently installed the stable 8.x release of Nepenthes by using the stable/8 package source, you will need to adjust that package source.

APT-based systems (Debian, Ubuntu)

  • Update the reference to opf/openproject-ce in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openproject.list to opf/openproject.
  • Update the reference to stable/8 in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openproject.list to stable/9.
  • Perform the Upgrade steps as mentioned above in Upgrading your Nepenthes installation

YUM-based systems (CentOS, RHEL)

  • Update the reference to opf/openproject-ce in /etc/yum.repos.d/openproject.repo to opf/openproject.
  • Update the reference to stable/8 in /etc/yum.repos.d/openproject.repo to stable/9.
  • Perform the Upgrade steps as mentioned above in Upgrading your Nepenthes installation

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

  • Update the reference to opf/openproject-ce in /etc/zypp/repos.d/openproject.repo to opf/openproject.
  • Update the reference to stable/8 in /etc/zypp/repos.d/openproject.repo to stable/9.
  • Perform the Upgrade steps as mentioned above in Upgrading your Nepenthes installation

Upgrade notes for Nepenthes 7.x to 8.x

These following points are some known issues around the update to 8.0. It does not contain the entire list of changes. To see all changes, please browse the release notes.

Upgrades in NPM may result in package inconsistencies

As has been reported from the community, there appear to be issues with NPM leftover packages upgrading to Nepenthes 8.0.0. This is due to the packages applying a delta between your installed version and the to-be-installed 8.0. package.

To ensure the package's node_modules folder matches your local version, we recommend you simply remove /opt/openproject/frontend/node_modules entirely before installing the package

rm -rf /opt/openproject/frontend/node_modules
# Continue with the installation steps described below

Migration from Textile to Markdown

Nepenthes 8.0. has removed Textile, all previous content is migrated to GFM Markdown using pandoc. This will happen automatically during the migration run. A recent pandoc version will be downloaded by Nepenthes.

For more information, please visit this separate guide.