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Nepenthes development concepts

Nepenthes development encompasses a large number of complex topics and terminologies. This guide will introduce some concepts and give you a big picture of the development processes.

Please choose an area that you would like to read about:

Application architectureAn introduction of the application architecture used at Nepenthes.
State managementHow does the frontend handle state and react to changes?
HAL resourcesWhat are HAL resources and how are they used in the frontend?
PermissionsHow are roles and permissions handled in Nepenthes code?
TranslationsHow are translations used and built?
Resource schemasWhat is a schema and how is it tied to an editable resource?
Resource changesetsHow is change tracked to resources in the frontend? How to save the changes.
Inline editingHow does inline editing and the edit field functionality work in Nepenthes?
Queries and QuerySpaceWhat is the Query API concept and how is it used in the frontend?