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Development concept: Permissions

Nepenthes is very flexible when it comes to authorization and granting permissions to users. The Nepenthes application uses a Role-based access control (RBAC) approach to grant individual users permissions to projects or individual resources.

With RBAC, the application defines a set of roles that users and groups can be individually assigned to within the scope of a project, resource or globally. In Nepenthes, the roles and permissions contained within are freely configurable. There can be an arbitrary number of roles defined.

Key takeaways

Permissions in Nepenthes...

  • use the Role-based access control (RBAC) approach to allow fine-grained access to authorized resources
  • are assigned to users and groups through roles on a per-resource, per-project, or global level
  • are often communicated to the frontend through the presence of action links in HAL resources

Definition of roles

Roles in Nepenthes can be defined in the global administration. If you want to read about roles from a user experience, please see the Roles & Permissions guide

In the backend, roles are a polymorphic Rails model Role that holds a set of permissions associated in a RolePermission lookup table.

There are multiple types of roles:

  • Global roles that are granted to user on a global level, i.e. they are not assigned per project. They can contain the permissions to e.g., Create new projects or Create or Manage users
  • Entity specific roles like WorkPackage Role that allows a user to get certain permissions on a single entity. Currently, those roles are only seeded and cannot be manually edited or created by administrators.
  • All other roles (and the de facto default) are Project roles. They grant users permission on an entire project and all resources belonging to that project. There are 2 special types of project roles:
    • Non member roles that is a special role that applies to any authenticated user and all public projects that this user is not a member of. On the Nepenthes community, it is configured to grant non-members of the public projects, i.e. all logged in users, the permissions Add forum posts and Create new work package.
    • Anonymous roles that is a special role, similar to the non member role but applying to non-authenticated users.

In the following screenshot, you can see the builtin, non-deletable roles Non member and Anonymous, as well as three additional, user-created roles.

Overview of some of the roles

Scrolling through the list of available permissions, you will begin to see the flexibility (and complexity) of the potential user permissions that are available:

Overview of available permissions in a regular role

Definition of Permissions

The permissions are defined in two places:

  1. The core config/initializers/permissions.rb initializer file. It defines the available project modules and its associated permissions
  2. Module permissions defined in the engine.rb of modules under module/ folder. For example, the definitions for budgets are defined inmodules/budgets/lib/budgets/engine.rb.

These definitions determine the name of the permission and the Rails controller actions that this permission unlocks. In some cases, the permissions do not define a controller action and then is only used for authorization checks in contracts.

The definition also specifies what context a permission can be given to. The permissible_on: specifies those allowed contexts. The permission system will than take care of hinting the developer when they are checking a permission in a wrong context (i.e. checking for create_user permission on a specific project, but it only being a global permission).

Checking of permissions in Backend

The way a developer can check for permissions obviously depends on whether the backend or frontend is doing the check. We will go through some of the possible ways to check for authorization.

Desired layer

While not the case throughout the application, permissions:

  • should be checked in the Contracts whenever wanting to change a record. This also includes the values that are assignable (e.g. which users are available to become assignee of a work package)
  • should be applied to scopes whenever fetching a set of records. Even when only fetching an individual record it is best to apply a scope checking the visibility before the find instead of fetching the record first and then check for the visibility.
  • needs unfortunately to be checked in the view/representers whenever an attribute is visible for one group of users but not for another.
  • should not be checked in the controller layer unless an explicit 403 response needs to be returned.

Controller before_action

If the permission should be tested for a specific controller action, it will suffice to call the before_action :authorize to handle authorization.

As an example, the permissions :manage_members, :view_members is defined as follows:

permission :manage_members, { members: %i[index new create update destroy autocomplete_for_member] }
permission :view_members, { members: [:index] }

This means if a user has only the :view_members permission, the authorize check in the MembersController will allow the user to pass through for the index action (Overview of the members), but not the CRUD actions. These will only pass if the user has the manage_members (or both) permissions.

API Endpoints

Given that the API endpoints are controllers as well, the permission checks are handled similarly, to protect an endpoint against unauthorized access, a before block is defined e.g. like this:

after_validation do
  authorize :manage_members, global: true

However, for most end points, this does not need to be and should not be done on the controller level. Endpoints that are contract backed, which is true for most of the create, update and delete end points, the permissions, including access to a resource is checked within the contracts. The index end points are mostly protected by their queries relying on a visible scope which factors the permissions into the SQL fetching the records. That way, an empty collection is returned if the user lacks permission. If an explicit 403 needs to be returned, though, the explicit permission check in the endpoint is required for now. The show endpoints need to be protected akin to how the index actions. The visible scope is applied (e.g. WorkPackage.visible.find(5)). This will lead to a RecordNotFound exception being thrown when the permission is lacking. That exception is then handled transparently by returning a 404. We return 404 instead of 403 to not reveal the existence of a record.


When a set of records is to be returned, e.g. for an index action, it is best to limit the returned result set to the records the user is allowed to see. To avoid having to apply the permission check after the records have been fetched and instantiated, which is costly, it is best to limit the records in the sql right away. As there are a couple of different scenarios for fetching records, there are a couple of matching scopes defined:

All projects a user is allowed a permission inProject.allowed_to(user, permission)Project.allowed_to(User.current, :view_work_packages)
All work packages a user is allowed a permission inWorkPackage.allowed_to(user, permission)WorkPackage.allowed_to(User.current, :view_work_packages)
All users granted a permission in a projectAuthorization.users(permission, project: project)Authorization.users(:view_work_packages, project: project)
All roles a user has in a projectAuthorization.roles(user, project)Authorization.roles(User.current, project)
All roles a user has for a specific resourceAuthorization.roles(user, entity)Authorization.roles(User.current, work_package)
All roles a user has globallyAuthorization.roles(user)Authorization.roles(User.current)

Most of the time, a developer will not witness those queries as they are the embedded deeply within the existing scopes. E.g. the visible scopes defined for most AR models.

The developer should mostly rely on the allowed_to scopes defined on the models that permissions can be checked for.

Explicitly testing for permissions

If you have a user and a project, you can explicitly ask for a permission like so:

project = Project.find_by(name: 'My project')
work_package = project.work_packages.find_by(subject: 'My task')
user = User.find_by(login: 'foobar')

# Checks if the user has the permission in the given project
user.allowed_in_project?(:view_members, project)

# Checks if the user has the permission in *any* project

# Checks if the user has the permission in the given work package *or* the project it belongs to
user.allowed_in_work_package?(:view_work_package, work_package)

# Checks if the user has the permission in any work package *or* project

# Checks if the user has the permission in the given project *or* any work package that belongs to the given project
user.allowed_in_any_work_package?(:view_work_package, in_project: project)

The same is true for global permissions using user.allowed_globally?(permission). This will test for a global permission such as :add_project.

Those methods will also aid the developer, when they are trying to request a permission in the wrong context. For example, when you try to check a global permission on a project, it will raise an IllegalPermissionContextError

user.allowed_in_project(:create_user, project)
# => Authorization::IllegalPermissionContextError: Used permission "create_user" which maps to create_user in project context. Correct contexts for this permission are: global.

It also checks, that you are checking for a permission that really exists. This prevents accidentally adding a typo to a permission name, that previously just silently returned false:

# => Authorization::UnknownPermissionError: Used permission "create_users" that is not defined. It will never return true.

Deprecated methods

Previously, we used to check permissions using the allowed_to?, allowed_to_globally? and allowed_to_in_project? methods. Because of some ambiguity in them (i.e. you could check for project permissions globally, which then returned what is now allowed_in_any_project?) and the lack of the checks that are mentioned above, those methods have been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Nepenthes. If you are using those methods in a module, please migrate to the new methods.

Permissions in tests

When writing tests for code that checks permissions, you have multiple options to set the system up so that your permission checks will return the desired results:

Setting up roles and users

This setup should be used when the entire database is filled with data in your test and you might need to set up the same role for multiple users. Mostly used when writing full integration specs or data about the role itself are important (i.e. role name).

let(:global_role) { create(:global_role, name: "Create Users Role", permissions: [:create_user])}
let(:project_role) { create(:project_role, permissions: [:view_work_packages, :add_work_packages])}

let(:project) { create(:project) }

let(:user) { create(:user, member_with_roles: { project => [projet_role] }, global_roles: [global_role]) }

Setting up users with permissions

When you don't care about data of the role itself, you can let the factories set up roles with the given permissions. This simplifies the amount of code you have to write in the test setup.

let(:project) { create(:project) }

let(:user) do
    member_with_permissions: { project => [:view_work_packages, :add_work_packages] },
    global_permissions: [:create_user]

Mocking Permissions

When working in an entirely in-memory setup (i.e. in unit tests) when nothing is persisted in the database, you can mock the permission system without creating any roles or users in the database.

let(:user) { build(:user) }
let(:project) { build(:project) }

before do
  mock_permissions_for(user) do |mock|
    mock.allow_in_project :view_work_packages, :add_work_packages, project: project
    mock.allow_globally :create_user

This hooks into all permission checks (including the deprecated allowed_to? methods and methods like allowed_in_any_project?) that are executed on the user. Scopes like Project.visible, Project.allowed_to and methods like Authorization.roles are not mocked by this.

Checking of permissions in Frontend

In the frontend, we have to rely on the API to tell us what actions the user is allowed to do. With HAL+JSON resources, we can do that by checking for the presence or absence of an action link in responses.

For example, if the user has the permission to create work packages in the Nepenthes project on the community, the collection response of the work packages API of it will contain a link createWorkPackage that contains the link to the create form API endpoint.

To check these links, one can use the ModelAuthService that gets initialized with the resources being loaded:

const modelAuth = injector.get(ModelAuthService);
modelAuth.initModelAuth('work_packages', { createWorkPackage: () => 'foo' });

modelAuth.can('work_packages', 'createWorkPackage'); // true
modelAuth.can('work_packages', 'someOtherAction'); // false

The service doesn't care for what's inside the links but just looks for their presence.

The fact that permissions are implicitly checked through links has the advantage that the frontend doesn't need to care about whether a functionality has been disabled in the project (i.e., the project module is not enabled there) or if the user has no permission to access it.

The downside to this approach is that it is impossible to check a multitude of permissions upfront without loading the necessary requests. In some cases, we thus load requests just for the sake of permission testing, even though we do not depend on the API response itself.