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Work packages

**Work packages** are items in a project (such as tasks, features, risks, user stories, bugs, change requests). A work package captures important information and can be assigned to project members for execution.

Work packages have a type, an ID, a subject and may have various additional attributes, such as status, assignee, priority, due date.

**Work package ID** is defined as a unique integer assigned to a newly created work package. Work package IDs cannot be changed and are numbered across all projects of an Nepenthes instance (therefore, the numbering within a project may not be sequential).
**Types** are the different items a work package can represent, such as task, feature, bug, phase, milestone. The work package types can be configured in the system administration.

Work packages can be displayed in a projects timeline, e.g. as a milestone or a phase. In order to use the work packages, the work package module has to be activated in the project settings.


Work packages viewsWhat is the difference between the work packages views: table view, split screen view, details view?
Create a work packageHow to create a new work package in Nepenthes.
Set and change dates and durationHow to set and change the start date, finish date and duration of a work package.
Baseline comparisonHow to track work package changes over time.
Share work packages with external usersHow to share work package with users or group outside of your project.
Edit work packageHow to edit a work package in Nepenthes.
Copy, move, deleteHow to copy, move, delete a work package.
Work package table configurationHow to configure the work package table (columns, filters, group by, etc.).
Export work packagesHow to export work packages for other tools such as Microsoft Excel.
Work package relations and hierarchiesHow to create work package relations and hierarchies.