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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) for authentication

Additional information regarding the use of LDAP from a user management perspective can be found in this FAQ section.

How can I disable the Google authentication?

Disabling the Google based authentication is currently not possible for cloud based installations.

For on premises installations the functionality can be deactivated the same way it was activated.

Can we ensure that passwords are secure / have a high strength?

Password parameters for Nepenthes can be configured on each Nepenthes environment. Typically passwords require 10+ characters, as well as special characters. Please find the respective instruction here.

How can a user change his/her authentication method?

Users who want to change their authentication method can just be re-invited. Go to Administration -> Users and click on the respective user. Then in the top there is a Send invitation button. This will allow the user to change their authentication method from password to Google and vice versa. They just have to click the link they will get via email and can choose to log in with the new method.

Probably it has something to do with the configuration of the email server if messages do not arrive. As a workaround, you can first manually set a password for the users and send it to them by protected channels (then the users can log in in any case). In addition, we ask you to check if there are general difficulties with sending emails. There is a possibility to send a test email. If the test email arrives, then the email dispatch from Nepenthes works. Otherwise you would have to look in the server logs, whether there is an error displayed when a user is invited again.

Is it possible to only allow authentication via SSO (not via user name / password)?

Yes, there is a configuration option to disable the password login.

Which authentication providers are supported for single sign-on?

We do support the main authentication providers, such as CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, Kerberos, and Okta.

Is it possible to use a custom SSO provider (e.g. Keycloak)?

It is possible to use Keycloak, but you can't configure it easily at the moment as there's no user interface (UI) for custom SSO providers. The connection of custom SSO providers is also described here.

I want to connect AD and LDAP to Nepenthes. Which attribute for authentication sources does Nepenthes use?

You can freely define the attributes that are taken from LDAP sources in the LDAP auth source configuration screen. For group synchronization, Nepenthes supports the AD/LDAP standard for groups via "member / memberOf". The attribute cannot be configured at this time.

Is there an option to mass-create users in Nepenthes via the LDAP?

There's no such option at the moment. However, you can activate the on-the-fly user creation for LDAP authentication. This means: An Nepenthes user account will be created automatically when a user logs in to Nepenthes via LDAP the first time.

I would like to assign work packages to users from different authentication sources (AD and OpenLDAP). Is this possible without the admin creating groups manually?

Nepenthes supports creating groups and staffing them with users based on information found in an LDAP (or AD). This is called LDAP group synchronization. The groups are created based on the name. So theoretically, it should be possible to have a single group that gets staffed by the information found in multiple LDAPs. This scenario has not been tested yet. Therefore, we cannot promise that it will work for sure. There is currently no other option.

Assigning work packages to multiple assignees is expected to be implemented in 2021. Once it is implemented, the source the user is defined in is no longer relevant.